We always like to keep in touch with our students and hear what they’ve been working on after their studies. We recently caught up with Alumnus, Sirajo Gidado who studied MSc Cyber Security at the London Campus to talk about his experience and all things Cyber.

Please can you tell us a little about what you were doing before you applied to study a Masters in Cyber Security?

I was a civil servant, working with the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority as a System Administrator. I’m still working there now I’ve completed my Masters, but now as a Network Security Analyst.

Why did you choose to study in London?

I didn’t specifically choose to study in London, but the course I chose was taught at the London Campus. And it turned out to be the best!

How would you describe your time studying at Northumbria University London?

First of all, the London Campus is like a mini family, and also part of a much larger family (as part of the wider university in Newcastle). I liken it to a family because of the way it brings together such a diverse group of people, and everyone on campus has a shared goal: wanting to expand their knowledge. And I’m not just referring to the student body, but the staff too.

Secondly, being in such friendly environment was the best time of my life, within the Campus and outside. Not everyone adjusts to new environments, but in the case of the London Campus, it was different.

What surprised you the most when you came to the UK?

Firstly, coming from a third world country, I don’t think I would have had the opportunity to see how an underground, overground, or the DLR transport system works if it weren’t for my time in the UK.

Secondly, the education system was totally different from the one I was used to. This made me realise how easy it can be to study/research your field of interest. For example, as a student of the university you have access to the online library and a whole range of software to download for your studies. In addition, submitting assignments through TurnItIn was new to me and ensures that you complete all your own original work.

What did you enjoy most about your course?

The teaching! A good tutor makes studying feel easy. When I look back at what we achieved, I realise that we covered such a lot of content throughout our Masters.

Did you feel that you were supported throughout your studies?

In all honesty, support is an understatement. We were supported throughout our studies and given everything we needed to cross that all important finish line.

What did you do once you finished your course?

After I finished my course, I returned back to my job as a Network Security Analyst at the Civil Aviation Authority in Nigeria.

Do you think your Masters study has influenced your career/work since you finished?

Definitely. My Head of Department said “I am feeling the new you!” We are now planning to introduce penetration testing and automation of Flight Standard Group.

What do you think will be the next big topic within the Cyber industry?

Hmmm…I will go for the Internet of Things (IoT) in general, and Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast vulnerabilities in aviation as something to keep an eye on.

Where do you see your career 5 years from now?

I hope to have completed my CISSP and CEH certifications and then realise my dream of establishing a Cyber Security and Pentesting consulting firm, offering these services to reduce and mitigate cybercrime.

It’s always great to hear from our former students and get insight into their time with us. We’re proud of Sirajo’s achievements here and are excited by his ambitions, we’re all eager to see how his career will develop!

If you would like to find out more about Sirajo’s course, the MSc Cyber Security, please visit the course pages below or contact us now.

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