Embarking on a university journey is a life-changing experience that moulds individuals into well-rounded professionals. Join us as we dive into the inspiring story of Joy Egure, a former student at Northumbria University London. She shares her path to success, starting from how she chose Northumbria to her current role at QA Higher Education.  

Choosing Northumbria University London 

Joy received a recommendation from an academic back in Nigeria- whose child was an alumnus of Northumbria University. She took his advice and went home and researched the university. Delighted by its exceptional reputation, high ranking, and glowing testimonials from former students, Joy was convinced this was the university for her. Finding out the university also had a London campus further confirmed her belief and she enrolled for the MSc Digital Marketing program at Northumbria University London.

Looking back, she now describes her student experience as being “amazing, insightful, and of great excellence” . She also said that, “The staff were extremely supportive especially the lecturers who taught me from a wealth of knowledge and experience which has helped seamlessly transfer to my current role.” 

The Internship Experience  

Intrigued by the chance to gain practical experience, when an internship opportunity presented itself, Joy was quick to snap it up. She believes that “experience is the best teacher and being able to apply myself in a real world setting really complemented my studies.” 

As an intern with the Learning and Teaching team within QA Higher Education, Joy actively participated in various projects, such as reviewing student content and brainstorming ways to enhance student services. Collaborating with another intern, she co-authored articles aimed at improving the overall student experience. “The internship also provided me with the opportunity to be part of the learning and teaching conference, where I was given a chance to be a speaker and share my experience and insights with other working professionals. It was an exhilarating experience that has enabled me to develop effective communication skills and make a meaningful impact.”

Transitioning to the Marketing Team  

Joy’s involvement in the conference opened other professional doors as well – she had her first encounter with the marketing team and made a lasting impression, securing a job within the team. Although there were no immediate vacancies, Joy remained optimistic and kept in touch with the team. Her dedication paid off when she was offered a position as a marketing executive in January of the following year.

Looking back at her journey over the last year, Joy thoughtfully admits that while her internship experience at QA Higher Education played a pivotal role in preparing her for her current position, it was her MSc degree and lecturers that helped lay the foundation for her knowledge in her current role. It was the same lecturers that believed in her and encouraged her to believe in herself and apply for the internship that supported her while she juggled her full-time course alongside her internship.  

Beyond Academics – The Northumbria Experience 

Joy highlights that being a student at Northumbria University London extends beyond the classroom. The university’s diverse community offers opportunities to connect with students from all over the world, enabling her to build friendships she never anticipated and expand her network to create lasting connections. She advises students to “embrace the diverse culture and make the most of their time at Northumbria University London. Jump in with both feet and you will be surprised by the opportunities, learnings and experiences in store for you.” 

Joy’s journey from student to professional exemplifies the transformative power of studying at Northumbria University London. The university’s commitment to providing practical experiences, industry connections, and a supportive learning environment has equipped Joy and countless other students with the skills and experiences necessary to thrive in their chosen fields. Northumbria University London remains an institution that empowers students to excel and succeed in their future careers. 

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