When you’re studying to boost your career, the last thing you want is for your degree to lose professional relevance after you graduate.

One degree subject area with strong future-proof credentials is cyber security. It’s a booming industry that is only set to grow in size and importance in the short and long-term. It’s therefore a career-broadening, financially responsible and practical career move.

A growing industry

Whether it’s railways in 19th century America or computers in the 1980s, jumping into a growing industry always increases your chances of a prosperous career.

Few industries are growing as quickly as cyber security. Worldwide industry spending in 2015 reached $75bn. By 2020, that is set to more than double, reaching $170bn.

Consumers are growing increasingly comfortable sharing more and more details, from birthdays and addresses to credit card information, online, making it easier for criminals to steal data and sell it for profit.

Meanwhile, online shopping continues to rise, giving cyber criminals more and more chances to steal credit card information, or even access accounts directly, illegally withdrawing funds.

A technical skill for life

It’s not like the internet or e-commerce is going anywhere soon, so neither is cybercrime. Cybercrime can include online fraud, data theft, corporate espionage and much more. Hamilton Place Strategies estimate that cybercrime costs the global economy as much as $450bn every year.

Protecting businesses and individuals from this fresh crime wave is a highly-skilled job. You’ll need to understand e-commerce, website security, different coding languages, self-identification technologies, and more, meaning that studying in the field provides you with broad, practical and desirable skills.

Our Cyber Security Masters will educate you in how to plug that $450bn gap in the world economy, giving you a skill that is both absolutely necessary to business and hard to come by – a rare combination.

A salary to match

UK IT professionals have long enjoyed high salaries for their services. Cyber security is no different.

The average UK cyber security worker earns an average £55,000 per year – way above the UK average of £26,500. In fact, 10% of security specialists were earning more than £82,000 in early 2016.

If you study a MSc Cyber Security at Northumbria University London, you will be in the best possible place to jump into this exciting, dynamic industry. You can study full-time, or part-time alongside your current job.

Find out more about MSc Cyber Security at Northumbria University London Campus today!

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