Before the Campus closed its doors for the Christmas/winter break, students enrolled on our MSc Digital Marketing and MSc Business with courses congregated on Campus in their smartest business attire in preparation for their end of term presentation assessment.

As part of an assessment for the Developing Global Management Competencies II module, students are tasked with launching their own business and documenting the project in detail. This year, students had to launch a fashion brand. We saw innovative designs in both men and women’s wear, and how the students worked together to make strategic decisions to define, build and promote their brands.

The project consolidates all of the themes taught in the preceding weeks on the course, allowing the students to demonstrate their understanding of the content and gain the all-important experience of launching a brand, product and business.

Students explained their reasoning for targeting a certain demographic and supporting evidence, how they’ve used industry standard business analysis models including SWOT Analysis, CATWOE and MoSCoW tools to inform their strategy and assess their businesses. Practically, each group had to build a website and set up online payment platforms and analytical tools – all of which will help their CVs standout to future employers.

We were blown away with how professional their websites looked, you would have thought it was an exciting and established fashion brand’s website, not a coursework project!

It was nice to see how supportive each group was with each other, with one group waiting in the common area for the other to finish lending a listening ear and celebrating the end of a tough but rewarding project.

Reflecting on the day of presentations Module Leader Dr Basel Khashab, said “the students were amazing and professionally prepared. I am very proud of their performance. From day one [the presentation] was a concern to them but spending the whole semester developing their skills, resulting in newly found Website Designers equipped with various skills like business intelligence, research and teamwork skills. They feel very happy and excited to start up their own venture selling their products through the website they’ve developed!”

It was a pleasure to watch their presentations and talk with our students after about their course, career plans and their projects. You could sense the pride in which they delivered their presentations and projects, all can and should be immensely proud of their achievements.

To find out more about studying business at the London Campus, visit our business courses page.

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