Choosing to study a Masters with Advanced Practice at Northumbria University London Campus offers an excellent opportunity for you to put your learning into practice and develop your employability skills.

What will I be doing to find an internship?

Your employability is central to all of our programmes and from the second semester of your Masters with Advanced Practice you will start your internship search and preparation. But what should you expect this to include?

You should be ready to undertake the following work to prepare you for your internship, this is all included in your programme and will include:

  • Understanding key employability attributes
  • Analysis of your skillset in relation to a specific discipline or job role
  • Analysing job descriptions and person specifications
  • Completing a personal SWOT and Gap analysis
  • Developing a personal profile, CV and application forms relating to a specific job role
  • Carrying out desk research in relation to specific organisations and job roles
  • Developing application letters and covering emails
  • Pre-selection screen activities e.g. aptitude and personality testing
  • Practicing interview skills
  • Assessment Centre preparation and competency tests

It is essential that you join these sessions to give you the best chances of securing an internship in an industry and role in which you are most interested. The skills that you will learn during these workshops and activities will also help to prepare you for your graduate job search once you have completed your Masters.

How will you help me find an internship?

In addition to supporting you with the development of the skills above, the QA Higher Education Placements and Internship Service will work with you to source an appropriate internship.

Initially, they will meet with you and your Internship Academic Coordinator to discuss your career aspirations and study ideas so the team can understand what sort of internships might be of interest for you.

Throughout the semester the Placements and Internship Service will run regular workshops as part of your course to ensure that you are fully supported. They will work with you on CV and cover letter writing, selection processes, interview skills and helping you to develop your applications. The team will also work to identify potential host organisations for your internship and advise you of how to apply.

For those students who secure an internship, the Placements and Internship Service will also run a preparation workshop towards the end of the semester. Attendance at this workshop is compulsory and is designed to ensure you have all of the information prior to your first day. The team will be your main point of information regarding your internship, from start and end dates, who you’ll need to report to, health and safety policies through to advising you on business culture in your host organisation and any advice.

Can I find my own internship for my Masters with Advanced Practice?

Yes. However, any internship opportunity that is not sourced through the QA Higher Education Placements and Internship Service will need to go through a series of checks to ensure that the work meets the required Learning Outcomes for your programme, and that both the University and QA Higher Education are satisfied with a full risk assessment of the environment in which you would be working.

What if I don’t get offered an internship?

The UK job market is very competitive so it may not be possible for all students to secure an internship. However, to ensure that each of our students is able to put their learning into practice and apply the knowledge and skills developed on their course, we offer an alternative project.

For students undertaking a Business themed Masters with Advanced Practice, this will involve a Group Consultancy Project where you work with a real organisation on a real business problem, in the same way a consulting business would.

For students undertaking a Project Management, Computing or Cyber-related Masters with Advanced Practice, you will be working on a Research Project – identifying a real issue and working on this.

Whether you secure an internship or work on a project, both options will allow you to build key skills which are highly in-demand with today’s employers.

What will I study in my final semester?

This varies depending on your programme and whether you undertake an internship or project at the Advanced Practice stage.

Subject Advanced Practice Final Semester
Business, Luxury Brand Management* and Global Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management Internship Dissertation
Business Clinic PG Group Consultancy Project Applied Management Work Investigation
Computing or Cyber Internship Computer and Digital Technologies Project or MSc Computer Science and Digital Technologies Project
Research Project
Project Management Internship Dissertation
Research Project

*Please note that Luxury Brand Management follows a different Advanced Practice model and you will progress onto a Dissertation only in your final semester.

Is my internship or the equivalent project assessed?

Yes. Whether you undertake a project or an internship, your Advanced Practice stage is worth 60 credits.

The exact assessment details can be found on your individual course pages. Broadly speaking, both the internships and projects will be assessed via a written piece of work.

Each of our Masters with Advanced Practice is 240 credits and upon successful completion, your graduation certificate will state ‘Masters with Advanced Practice’ to differentiate from a standard 180 credit Masters programme.

If I have an internship, will I still have regular contact with the University?

Yes. All students on an internship will be assigned an Internship Tutor. Your tutor will regularly be in contact with you to check how you are finding the internship and prepare you for your written assignment. They will also arrange to visit you at least twice during the period for a face-to-face meeting.

Where can I find which programmes include Advanced Practice?

You can see the full list of available programmes on our website here.

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