The digital age shows no sign of waning. We live through the screens of our computers and mobile phones, carrying out everything from shopping and banking to house-hunting and networking. This means that digital marketing is more important – and more influential – than ever before.

Globally, there is huge demand for talented digital marketers. Having a related degree can act as the perfect springboard for an exciting career. Here is our top list of traits you need to develop to make yourself an employable marketer.

A sense of curiosity

Chances are, by the time you are working in digital marketing, the social media landscape will have vastly changed. This is an area that evolves rapidly. So how do you stay on top of new developments? Keep a curious mind and explore new trends as they emerge. This could mean downloading a soon-to-be-ubiquitous app or charting online campaigns that have been successful.

Strong communication skills

Marketing is all about promoting something. It’s about selling the idea of a person, place or product. And because marketing is so persuasive, you need the communication skills to match. Whether speaking over the phone, writing an email or drawing up a press release for a client, your language needs to be succinct, interesting and, where necessary, emotive.


Broaden your concept of what is ‘possible’. Think outside the proverbial box. It is true that in order to fully learn something, it is necessary to pore over all the greats of the past. But once you have assimilated this information, the rules are yours to bend. Be creative and daring in your approach – try something no one else has thought of.

Computer skills

This may sound painfully obvious, but in order to make it in digital marketing, you need to have a relatively strong understanding of computers and that nebulous world of the internet. SEO, social media, Google analytics and email marketing will all be the building blocks of your skill.

Studying with us is a great way to get your career in digital marketing underway. Get in touch with us to explore our courses or make an enquiry.

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