Sara Ramirez

Sara Ramirez


MSc Business with International Management and Pre-Sessional English

Sara came to us to study our Pre-Sessional English course before studying her MSc Business with International Management with us. This helped her develop English writing and speaking skills in preparation for her Masters. Watch the below video to discover more about why Sara enjoys studying with us so much.

“My name is Sara Ramirez and I’m from Colombia. Actually I’m doing a Masters in International Business and Management. I’m from Medellin, which is the second biggest city in Colombia.

I did a degree in Business and Administration from Eafit University. It was for around five years and now I’m here in London.

I started with a Pre-Sessional English course, it was an amazing course before doing the Masters programme because they teach you to write in an academic style, it’s really helpful when you are going to start a Masters programme. Also the skills that you get in the Pre-Sessional about writing skills, presentation skills, how to talk in front of people, how to manage a presentation.

It’s really difficult with just a BA degree to get a high quality job so it’s really important to have a Master degree level to get a really good position in a company or wherever you want to go.

First, I want to get better grades in my Master programme and then I want to look for a really good job here in London.”

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“Northumbria University London constantly strive to improve on their successes and this is a noticeable feature on campus.”

Olasheni Ogunwende
MSc Business with International Management

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