Stefan Fernandes

Stefan Fernandes

United Kingdom

MSc Cyber Security (part-time)

Why did you choose Northumbria University London for your studies?
I was already studying an MA in Applied Project Management with Northumbria University. I joined this course via QA as Marks and Spencer provided sponsorship for this. When the MSc in Cyber Security was advertised I thought it would be a good opportunity to get on board.

What was your main reason for wanting to undertake a part-time Masters in Cyber Security?
I have always been interested in the Cyber Security Field. I have worked in IT for the best part of the last 20 years. It was an opportunity to learn something new and gain a Masters qualification which would help me to advance in my IT career. The fact that I could do this course and work at the same time was a bonus.

How has your programme benefited your career?
My last role in IT was as a Systems Architect. The MSc in Cyber Security allowed me to change from Architecture and move into a Cyber Security Consultant role.

Most useful aspect of your programme?
All of the programme modules had their benefits but the first 2 modules which covered risk management were the most useful as my current role covers this area. This programme also allowed networking amongst other professionals that work in the industry and the lecturers were extremely knowledgeable in their respective fields.

How have you utilised the learnings from the programme in your daily job?
The first 2 models that discussed areas of information risk management were most useful for the daily job. But overall, all the modules provided insight into the cyber security industry.

What advice would you give someone looking to study a Masters with us?
An MSc is no easy task and it is something that you should carefully consider before jumping in at the deep end. There will be other commitments such as family, work and many other unforeseen circumstances along the way. However, when all that is said and done it is very rewarding and definitely worth it in the end.

Anything else?
What are you waiting for? Sign up and get studying!!!!

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“MSc Cyber Security was a must-do on my list from the moment I came in contact with networking”

Diana Balasa
MSc Cyber Security (Part-Time)

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