Tom Welsh

Tom Welsh

United Kingdom

MSc Cyber Security (Part-Time)

Why did you choose to study at Northumbria University London?

It’s got a fantastic reputation and it was local to me as I work around the corner from it. The campus is great, I can just come here at lunch time and study if I wanted to.

What is it like being part of the MSc in Cyber Security?

The course is very professionally taught. We’ve got experts on both sides of the classroom and both sides grow as we get to know each other. There’s a great support structure so if you need to know something, if you’re having a problem or you couldn’t reach the professor then the group is there and will help you. You’re never alone, you always had someone to back you up. That group is still going now and the backup is still there.

How has this MSc changed you?

I’ve completed the Masters and because of the holistic view of everything, I wasn’t blinkered anymore. The world seemed to open up to me. I got noticed and a job in Risk came up – I didn’t even interview. I’ve been in IT my whole life and I got the job as a direct result of having the MSc in Cyber Security.

What advice would you give other students looking to join the MSc Cyber Security course?

The Masters will change your life – it changes the way you think and it makes you question everything. You meet a great bunch of people, you learn and it’s fun. If you do the part time course like I did, you’ll fit it around your work so it’s a win-win situation.

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