The work/life balance is becoming more and more important to both companies and employees, with lots of organisations offering flexible working hours, remote working options and enriching company culture. There is sometimes a temptation to put work first in a way that makes other areas of our life suffer. But there are things you can do as an individual to make sure you’re getting the best of both worlds, which is why we’ve written a few tips to help you get started.

1: Manage your time

This is something that is often easier said than done, but it’s important to make sure that your time is clearly divided between your job and the rest of your life. If checking your work email spills over into your evenings, not only will you be unable to enjoy your time off but you may begin to resent your work. Instead, set yourself allotted times for work and for free time and try to stick to them as much as possible. Try turning the email notifications off on your phone on weekends and making a clear workday schedule so all your tasks are finished by the end of the day or week so you can enjoy your free time guilt-free.

Useful App | MONDAY

Price: Starts from £15/month and up)

2: Practise self-care

You may have heard this phrase being used a lot in the past year or so, but all it really means is looking after yourself. This can be through exercise, cultural activities, treating yourself to your favourite food or a night in watching a film – anything that makes you happy and relaxed. Working hard is important but if you don’t take the time to be kind to yourself, you can end up suffering from stress, anxiety or even sometimes depression. Set aside some time every week for this and you will find yourself feeling calmer and more focused.

Useful App | HEADSPACE

Price: FREE with optional subscription add-ons

3: Sleep well

If you have a deadline at work and you need to stick to it, you may end up working late and not sleeping enough. If this only happens once in a while, it’s not too serious, but if you keep staying up late and then waking up early, you will find that not only does your life outside work begin to suffer, but your focus and the quality of your work does too. Even more importantly, lack of sleep puts you at risk of serious medical conditions, including obesity, heart disease and diabetes, as well as shortening your life expectancy. Make sure you communicate with your boss when your workload gets too much and they should be able to help you manage it – late nights and losing sleep is not the answer.

Useful App | CALM

Price: FREE for 7 days, or £12.99/month or £59.99/year

4: Limit screen time

Part of a great work/life balance is making the very most of the time you spend outside the office. These days, many jobs require us to sit in front of computers for hours on end, so coming home and immediately sitting in front of the TV, laptop or iPad can blur the lines between work and life. Try leaving your phone or laptop in another room, or on silent mode while you cook a meal or meet a friend. Even swapping Instagram for a book or a short walk can make you feel refreshed and ready for a brand-new day.

5: Set personal goals

We often think about all the things we want to achieve in our careers; the promotions, the titles, the salaries. But how often do we think about what we want to achieve personally? By setting goals in our personal lives, we put our happiness first and show that we are committed to living a more rounded life. These goals can be anything, from travelling to a different country, taking a class, or even just cooking the perfect curry. At the end of the day, no one looks back at their life and thinks, “I wish I had worked more.”

Useful App | STRIDES

Price: FREE

In turn, these apps will help in all aspects of your life. Having a better work-life balance and more positive outlook on life will bring a sense of control and stability to your career and future.

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