Are you considering a cyber security career?

Learn more about some of the potential cyber security roles you could be doing after graduating with an MSc Cyber Security from Northumbria University London.

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Unlock Your Potential in the Rapidly Growing Field of Computing with Our New Undergraduate Programmes
The field of computing and technology is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. From Artificial Intelligence to Big Data and Cyber Security, the demand for skilled professionals in these areas is at an all-time high. In fact, the World Economic Forum estimates that the world will create 150 million new technology jobs over […]
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Northumbria wins University of the Year 2022
It’s official, Northumbria University has been awarded University of the Year 2022 at the prestigious Times Higher Education (THE) Awards. Known as the ‘Oscars of higher education’ this award celebrates Northumbria University’s mission to become the UK’s first research-intensive modern university, which began back in 2008. The goal was ambitious: put research at the heart […]
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Government seal of approval for Northumbria University London cyber security degrees
The UK Government’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) certify only the highest level of cyber security courses in the country. This makes Northumbria University amongst a select group of providers to have courses recognised in this way. Northumbria University, London, is already a Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research (ACEs-CSR), with the NCSC certification […]
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Helping International Students Achieve the UK Business Undergraduate Degree of Their Dreams
The UK has been one of the top destinations for international students for a long time. Just think about the 605,130 international students who studied at UK higher education providers in the 2020/21 academic year (PIE, 2022). The UK is regarded as an appealing destination because of the high standard of its higher education sector […]
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Student Success Story: From Bolivia to London via Northumbria University London
Bolivian native Camila Arce Derpic spent hours researching a postgraduate degree that aligned with her ambition to become a business professional. Graduating in March 2021 from Northumbria University London with MSc Business and International Management, she tells us how she wants to “lead by example” and how “studying as an international student was interesting and […]
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MSc Big Data and Data Science Technology: Become an Expert in Data Analysis
Do you know how big a quintillion is? It’s 10 to the power of 18  – or a thousand raised to the power of six. Huge number. Not as big as 2.5 quintillion bytes of data, however. This is how much data Internet users generate each day (TechJury, 2021). However, this wealth of data requires […]
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How Artificial Intelligence is Impacting the Fight against Covid-19?
The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our lives is no longer in question; it is creeping into our daily routine. Today it makes our telephones talk, tomorrow it will drive us to our destinations and it only continues to develop. According to Norm Judah, former Microsoft’s Enterprise Chief Technology Officer, all sectors are and […]
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The Future of Sustainable Cities
Did you know that currently, around 56% of the world’s population lives in the cities? The UN estimates that this number is going to get even greater by 2050 when 68% of the world’s population is projected to live in urban areas. This is 2.5 billion more people than the current figure. The rapid urbanisation […]
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Here Comes the Sun: Your Journey out of Lockdown
The varying levels of national lockdown and tiered restrictions in the UK Government’s four-step roadmap to has affected students in a number of ways. Students were made to adapt to a new way of online learning almost overnight, while others have not yet been able to experience the traditional student lifestyle. The many rites of […]
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