The varying levels of national lockdown and tiered restrictions in the UK Government’s four-step roadmap to has affected students in a number of ways. Students were made to adapt to a new way of online learning almost overnight, while others have not yet been able to experience the traditional student lifestyle. The many rites of passage when starting university – socialising, making friends, meeting tutors – were moved to online, while, many more were deprived of the opportunity to even begin their studies.

Coping with the re-entry to a ‘new normal’ way of life and studying will take time and it’s normal to feel overwhelmed or anxious. As we head closer towards the final step in the roadmap we wanted to share some ideas on how to do so.

University events and societies

Making connections with peers may be tricky online but there is always time to make up for it. By attending university events and joining societies you will meet like-minded individuals, making it easier to make friends and expand your social circle.

Do your research

London may be getting its buzz back but many things have changed in the past year. Some venues will have closed down or transport systems and routes changed, so it’s important to do your research. Know what you’d like to do and book before you do it to avoid disappointment. It’s not all bad though – since lockdown there have been many new restaurants and entertainment venues that have opened or adapted to suit the restrictions. This means a chance to try something different.

Socialise in ventilated establishments

The final stage of the roadmap is due to be in place during the heart of the British summer which invites opportunity for al fresco (outside) dining, as well as exploring the beautiful parks and scenery across the city. Meeting friends outside in the sunshine is a great way to ignite your social life and help stop the spread of Covid-19. Not only will you stay safe but you can also enjoy the sunshine – if the weather permits, of course!

Do not neglect your other responsibilities

As excited as you may be to restart your social life, you don’t want to do it at the expense of your studies. Be sure to create a balanced routine that incorporates enough time for both your studies and social life. Our Student Support teams will be more than happy to offer some guidance if you need.

Only do what makes you feel comfortable

Although the restrictions may soon be lifted, you may be feeling apprehensive about returning to a ‘new normal’. It is important to remember that it is your personal preference and you should only do what you feel comfortable with. If you’re not quite ready – that’s okay. There is no rush.

These are just a few tips we have for easing out of lockdown. You should continue to follow the government guidance in place and our campus advice that can be seen on our website.


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