Dr Rose CW FONG [BSc (Hons) N. London (UK); MBA Surrey (UK); MEd PolyU; EdD Durham (UK)] is the Programme Leader for Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Applied Computing (Top-Up) and teaching across QAHE IT programmes for Northumbria, Roehampton and Ulster Universities.
Prior to her current position, she was a Senior Lecturer in Computing in Hong Kong. With over 25-year teaching experiences in a wide ranges of IT-related subjects, Rose took up different programme leaderships in various IT programmes such as creative and interactive media production, business analytics, information systems development and network administration at both sub degree and Bachelor degree level. Rose was also heavily involved in different student services such as scholarship at college level as the Director of Student Services. She is a certified Personality Dimension® Level 1 facilitator. She was the Centre manager of the Personal and Career Development Centre, Community College of City University in 2012-14. She had conducted over 150 sessions to her students in career planning and personal development.
Her research interests are user-centered design and testing, information system and educational technologies. She is a full member of Hong Kong Computer Society, and member of the Hong Kong Association for Educational Communications and Technology. She is particularly interested in learning technologies, and promoting the education technologies by organizing conferences and reviewing related journals.